
The following represent the expectations of Local 632 and its referral of technicians to signatory employers.

Be On Time

It is essential that all persons report to each and every job at least fifteen minutes prior to the commencement of work. This allows each individual to prepare for the work day and be ready to begin work at the prescribed time. Being late to a job is grounds for being sent home from a job without pay. Repeated tardiness is grounds for losing your referral privileges.

Dress as Instructed by the Office

Every referral has a dress code as directed by the employer for that specific job. The dress codes are as follows:

Work Clothes: Casual, clean clothes; long pants (jeans); shirt, appropriate work shoes. Shorts are acceptable work attire. Some jobs may require specific foot wear such as steel toed boots. Specific needs will be communicated to you upon reference to a job. T-shirts with advertisements or phrases on them may not always be appropriate. When in doubt, wear something else. You can always wear a Local 632 shirt.

Show Call: Dependent on the type and the nature of the event.It’s always good to have a set of black clothes in your possession.

Bring Your Tools

Unless otherwise instructed by the office, every technician is expected to come to each job with the tools required to execute all aspects of the position to which you have been referred. Technicians are not expected to bring power tools or major diagnostic tools to the job with them with the exception of battery operated screw guns and hand held meters when appropriate. Technicians are expected to carry the tools that they need to perform their jobs at all times. Failure to do so when asked by your department head may lead to dismissal.

Availability for work through Call Steward

When you are sure of when the job you are on will end, it is your responsibility to log on the call steward site and add your name to the wish list. This may be done at anytime. This list is maintained as a service to the technicians referred by Local 632 and to Local 632’s signatory employers.

Be Professional

The rates and conditions enjoyed by technicians working under Local 632’s collective bargaining agreements mandate that technicians conduct themselves in a professional manner that will further the interests of Local 632, its employers and the other technicians who work under those agreements. Do not expect to be rewarded beyond your pay. Do not eat food that is intended for use by the client unless instructed to do so. Do not take merchandise from a client unless the client offers it to you. Do not solicit food, gifts or other rewards from a client.


Local 632 has an agent on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Should you experience any difficulties regarding a job to which you are going, a job that you are on, or a job that you have already been on, call the Local 632 number, 201-262-4182.You may leave a message at the office if the problem does not require attention outside of business hours. If the problem is an emergency and needs the immediate attention of an agent outside of normal business hours, use the cell number to reach the business agent. (See Contact page)